Hot Sex With My Cousin
AUTHOR: Sweetu
Hi.This is Sweetu from Bangalore (vVdyaranyapura) am 21years old girl and here I am sending is not mine, It Belongs to one Humaun(name changed) as per what he chatted with me in net. I like it as its a 2nd insect story that I liked, I hope you too will like the same..You can also mail me your real life incidents to tiwari5@yahoo.com
I am Humayun, 38 and single. It was way back in 1994, when i was 24 and still a virgin. We used to live is a ground floor apartment compound along the Karachi beach in Pakistan. I was working for a multinational and used to live with my parents as i don’t have any siblings. Right next to our apartment building used to live my cousin Tara and her father. Her mother died almost 12 years back and her only brother got married and moved to UK.
She was then 38 and single. Her father had serious health issues. They were financially quite settled. I was always a very low profile member of the family and my work commitments kept me away from the family. Gradually i developed a reputation of being a snob and my family stayed at a distance from me. It was not very soon that i realized that i was quite isolated. I never took it seriously and got really involved with my work life.
Contrary to my relationship, my parents were quite close to cousin tara and she used to come to our apartment very frequently. However my interaction with her was usually limited to exchanging greetings and that too not very frequently. I never actually noticed my cousin very closely. She appeared to be a very conservative Muslim lady, as she always covered her head with a scarf and dressed very conservatively.
Before i proceed further with her story, let me tell you more about myself. I don’t actually remember when i started masturbating, probably when i was 8 or maybe a year younger. I went to an all boys school and never mingled with the girls otherwise. You may term my aloof attitude to the fact that i was quite shy to open with girls. I used to admire them but never had the guts to initiate any conversation. I never had a girlfriend and never had a chance to get close to any female.
I remember clearly it was the summer of 1994 when my parents decided to visit some relatives in the northern areas of Pakistan and the vacation plan was for almost a month or may be more. They knew pretty well that my working hours were very odd and i was not even responsible enough to be asked to look after the house. Hence, cousin Tara was handed over the responsibility to come and get the house cleaned, if not every day then at least every alternate day.
She was given the house keys to make it convenient for her. Regardless of whatever time i return home, i always left the house very early as i never wanted to be late at work. Hence my chances of any interaction with cousin Tara were negligible and i never bothered about it.In those days cellular technology was newly introduced and mobile phones were not only very expensive but also very limited. I didn’t had a mobile in those days.
One night when i returned home at around 10pm i saw a note on the door from cousin Tara to call her on her home number. I was quite surprised rather worried, wondering if everything was okay. I called her and she told me that she has accidentally locked her set of keys in the house and wants to have them back otherwise she wont be able to open the apartment in the morning. I offered her that i can bring her the keys but she said she doesn’t remember where she has kept them,
So there was no choice but she had to come down to take her keys back. In about 20 minutes she rang the bell and came in to look for the keys.It was the first time that i looked at her closely as she searched for the keys. She was around 5’7” petite lady, very fair and had a long braid almost to her waist. She was wearing a conservative shirt and shalwar (a lose pajama according to local fashion). As usual her head was covered with a scarf but i noticed her long hair in a braid as it passed her scarf.
I was quite amazed to see that she had light colored eyes (not very common in South Asia) and had quite attractive lips and a very pleasant smile. She was very apologetic for bothering me at this odd hours as kept looking for the lost bunch of keys. I observed her and realized that she was one hell of an attractive woman. She had an amazing waist line, and a very curvy ass that suited her figure. I was not sure about her bust line as it was properly covered with the long scarf.
But i gathered that she was not very busty. Finally she got the keys under a table and had a relieved look on her face. However she was quite exhausted and badly needed a cold glass of water. I realized and before she could get it her self i brought her one. She was very thankful and wanted to gulp it down quickly but i told her to relax and take her time. While she was seated and have water i asked her how is she managing
The house and that it must be a pain to look after our house but she smiled and told me that it was not an issue at all.Those were the days when DVD's were not introduced. Instead we used to watch movies on VHS video cassettes on a VCR. I was always a movie lover and not only used rent movies but i used buy the ones that i liked the most. While talking she admired my collection and i got to know that she was also a movie lover. She told me that she saw my collection
On the movie shelf while cleaning the house and was quite impressed with my collection. I sincerely offered her that she can borrow which ever movie she likes from my collection. She was quite thankful and looked at the shelf. She asked me if she could take more than one movie and i told her it was my pleasure. She first took the classic “gone with the wind and another classic “my fair lady”.
As she looked around she picked up “top gun”, a tom cruise’s movie. I was quite hesitant and wanted to tell her that the rating is “r” but i never got the guts and she left telling me that she will return them in a few days.I must confess that after she left i masturbated fantasizing her. She stayed on my mind for the next few days.I never got a chance to talk to her for the whole week, until one night when i returned home
I saw the three movies that she had borrowed kept on the table with a simple thank you note. I was curious, so i played top gun and i was shocked to see that the movie was left right in the middle of the only love scene in top gun. Ideas poured into my mind and although i was quite sure that my chances of seducing her were next to zero i decided to make a very subtle but planned move. All i knew that she has seen the love scene, hence she has some potential.
I called her immediately to acknowledge the movies and asked her why she didn’t take any more. She told me that the she has seen the rest of the movies. I offered her if she would like to see anymore the next time i rent movies. She was more than happy to borrow them from me.I must tell my readers that in our south Asian society its not only against cultural ethics but also a taboo for a conventional woman to rent out rated movies.
The next day i got three very decent movies and one rated movie. I called her and said that i am going out and if she wants i can drop them at her place. She was quite thankful. I went to her apartment on the second floor for the first time at around and 9pm. She came out the main door, dressed as usual with a scarf and took the movies. Though she insisted that i must come inside but i was actually in a rush so i excused.
However, before leaving i told her that i would appreciate if she keeps on returning the movies as she watches them because they are all rented ones. She noted this very obviously and promised that she will return then as soon as possible.The way our apartments were built, it was very easy for her to know from her apartment if i was home or not since i used to park my car just outside my house. My parked car was the sign that i was home.
It was middle of the week that i came home very early from work around 6pm as i was very tired and sleep and had planned to take a power nap before i hang out with my friends in the night. Just as i entered the house, she called me and told me that i can have the movies back. My curiosity was again triggered and i told her that i will come and collect them now. The moment i got the movies back, i played the rated movie
And was pleasantly surprised to see that again the movie was left in the middle of a love scene. I was now quite certain that she was enjoying the love scene more than anything else.Let me take a break and tell you more about her circumstances. She was single and that was certainly not by choice but by default. She was not the one who would go out and look for a man. Her only option to marry was through a proposal and i feel sorry that she never got the right proposal.
38 is too old in our culture for a woman to stay single. We live in a society where girls are married off as early as 14 or maybe 13 even. I also knew that she was a virgin and was quite sure that she has never even touched a man.. Not even held a man’s hand.Getting back to the story. After realizing that she was now quite keen to watch rated movie i made a plan. I ignored my sleep and went out to get more movies. This time i got two decent movies and one xxx porno.
In early 90’s fundamentalism was still active in our society and there was an official ban on renting or selling porno movies. Hence such movies were never labeled, instead there used to be a reference number on the cassette which was only know to the shopkeeper.I kept waiting till it was late and i was all set to leave for dinner when i called her and told her that i was going to drop the movies on my way out. While handing over the movies i told her that i am not sure what movies are they.
I told her that the shop was quite crowded and the shopkeeper was in a rush. So just check out what’s in there. She said she will have a look.It was way past mid-night when i returned home. As i passed her apartment i noticed that her bedroom light was switched on. I gathered that she must be up. I got home and called her. In those day there were no cli phone (caller ids). She picked up the phone after 4 or 5 rings. Her voice was a bit heavy and she did sounded a bit breathless.
I acted as if i thought she was sleeping and apologized. I told her that i called to find out if the movies were any good. She said that they are just fine and that she will return them in 2 days.Now it was time for me to make a final move. I got two movies for her. One was rated one with a single love scene and the other was a porno. I was a bit scared as it was a gamble but i calculated the risk. It was worth taking a chance. I deliberately avoided her the whole week. It was Saturday night around 11pm, i went out to check if her bedroom light was switched on.
Her room was lit up, so she was up. I changed, got into a tight pair of jeans and white t-shirt. I wore some very strong cologne, brushed my teeth as i am a regular smoker, sprayed deodorant in my armpits left the house. I went straight to her apartment. I still remember clearly my heart was beating so fast that i thought probably i will burst out. I was a virgin and had never been in a situation like this before.
My sexual experience was only limited to porno movies and daily masturbation.I ranged the bell twice before i saw a shadow in the magic eye through the door. The shadow came and disappeared and then after two minute of waiting she finally opened the door. She was more worried than shocked to see me at her door at such an odd hour and without a phone call. She asked me if everything was okay.
She was wearing a very thin white cotton kurta (like a shirt with few button on the top) and a pair of blue jeans. She had a shawl casually wrapped around her and for the first time her head was not actually covered. Her long hair were tied like a bun on her neck. I immediately apologized for coming to her house like this. I told her that our phone is out of order and i wanted to give her the 2 movies that i have brought for her.
She was obviously very thankful. I acted a slightly breathless for climbing three floor. She asked me if i would like to come inside. I thanked her but did showed hesitation that its very late and probably she was sleeping. She said she was wide awake and there was no need to be apologetic as after all we were cousins. For the first time, i went inside. The whole apartment was quite dark and only one lamp was switched on in the living room.
There were 3 bedrooms like our apartment. The first one was her father’s room. The second bedroom was vacant and the last one on the end was her room. In Karachi, June is one hell of a terrible month. The temperature is usually around 38o centigrade and the humidity is always on a high. Since all the windows were closed, the house was very hot & quite claustrophobic. I asked her if i can have a cold glass of water before i leave. She nodded and went into the kitchen.
I purposely didn’t go into the kitchen and stayed in the gallery where it was unbearable to stay. She came out and handed the glass. I pretended as if i wanted to gulp down but she told me that there is no rush. However she told me in a low tone not to talk very loudly as her father was asleep and was on sedatives. The shawl around her was making very unbearable for her stand in the hot gallery and i also made some obvious gestures that i cant even stand the temperature. She told me to feel comfortable and that i can come and sit in her room. I followed her. “my plan is working quite well so far”, i thought.
I was so relieved to see that her room was chilled as the air-conditioning was on. It was a medium size room, fully carpeted and very clean and well kept. There was only one table lamp that was switched on, hence the light was mellow and soft in the room. There was a double bed in the room, which had a very neat bed cover and it was obvious that it not being used before i barged into her house.
Right across the bed, a huge TV was kept on the shelf and under the VCR was placed under the TV. Right in front of the TV, there were two pillows, on the carpet kept against the bed. It was very clear that she was sitting in the floor and watching TV as both the TV and VCr were on a stand-by mode. I also sensed that the room was smelling of ladies perfume. I wondered why she has sprayed perfume in her room.
I looked for a place to sit but there was either her bed or the floor. She noticed it and asked me to sit on the bed but i preferred to sit on the floor leaning against the bed. She insisted that i must sit on the bed but i told her that the bed was just too neat to be ruined. Although i sat down but i acted as if i am causing a lot of inconvenience for her and that she must be sleepy. She smiled and very nicely told me that its fine with her since she goes to sleep quite late and it was very early for her to even think about it.
I replied that since it’s a weekend i also prefer to stay up late. She laughed and told me that there was no harm in spending sometime with the relatives rather than hanging out with the friends.By now i was quite settled.We started talking about relatives, family and issues of common interest. I noticed that she was a very pleasant woman and had no hang-ups contrary to the impression that i had. In about half an hour we were laughing and chatting away comfortably.
I must confess that i truly enjoyed her company. Being without a cigarette for half an hour was just too much for me. I felt comfortable enough to ask her if i can smoke and she very willingly told me that i can. By this time i was a bit confused if i should make a move on her or not. She was a lovely woman and was being very nice to me. We were actually talking like buddies and friends and i felt it was not appropriate to go ahead with my plan.
I could see a good friend in her and didn’t want to spoil my relationship. Just as i thought this, she got up to get an ashtray for me and her shawl slipped off her. Although its been like 14 years now but i can still clearly recall what i saw. As she got up, the shawl dropped on the floor. Her figure underneath the thin and a bit see-thru kurta was very prominent. I just couldn’t believe my eyes for what i saw.
She was a thin structured woman and her waist must be around 27”, but her bust was just too heavy. In a typical male syntax, i am a boobs man and heavy boobs get my attention instantly. Have been admiring boobs since i was a kid and have seen many heavy busted woman in my life, but she was much heavier than what i has seen till then. Her white lace under wired bra was quite visible under her kurta and boobs stood firm and high.
She didn’t bothered about the shawl and got an ashtray out of the shelf. I felt a bit embarrassed to look at her boobs again as she turned. I thought, she considers me a cousin and that’s why she is not so bothered about the shawl anymore. Furthermore, we have developed into buddies, so why mess with her. However, i was enjoying the ambiance and her company and presence and i got more relaxed and dropped the idea to make a pass at her.
I lit a cigarette and took a deep puff. She looked at me and smiled. “you were actually missing your smoke, weren’t you ?” She asked me. “yes i was” i replied. So why didn’t you asked me before ? She smiles as she asked. I told her that i thought maybe she didn’t liked the smell. “me ? – are you joking ?” She said and smiled. I was confused. “would you mind if i smoke too ?” She asked. “sure you can,
I smiled back and offered her my pack. “sorry, i have my own brand” she shocked me as she took out her pack from the side table drawer and smoked. I asked her why she appears to be so conservative. She told me, she had no choice. Family and social circumstances were her limitations. I must say that i adored her for what she was and didn’t want the night to end. I look at my watch it was 12:15 am.
Are you in a hurry ? She asked. “no but i don’t want to hold you back and make you sleepless ? I said. Are you nuts, i don’t go to bed before 4am., she said. Hence we decided that we can sit and chat for long. During the conversation i kept looking at her bust and i noticed that her bust used to go slightly up & down as she breathed. I figured that her bust size must be at least a d cup.
It was hard to ignore such a sight and i never missed a chance to look at her bust without her knowing it.Why don’t we watch a movie ? You have brought two movies ? She asked. “oh shit” i thought. I tried to excuse but she got up and placed a movie in the vcr. Since both movies were unlabeled, i was not sure which one was in the vcr. I was a bit relaxed when i saw that it was not the porno but the rated one. “oh so what ? I will forward the scene when it comes, i thought.
As she sat next right to me on the floor after switching on the movie, she asked me, “Humayun, can you please switch off the lights, i like to watch movies in the dark, it gives a feeling of a theater.I went and switched off the light and sat next to her. We both were smoking like chimneys and there was silence in the room except for the movie. Since it was dark, i had all my chances to look at her bust and since she was sitting very close she couldn’t notice it.
I was quite lost when i realized that the love scene is approaching soon. I looked for the remote but couldn’t find it in the dark. Two scene prior to the love scene, there was a long french kissing scene. As the scene started, i realized Tara was looking straight into the TV and i felt that her body was tense. She was breathing a bit heavy and her bust was evident of her heavy breathing.
The scene passed, but i could feel tension the room. Soon the love scene started and it was one hell of a scene. The man in the movie undressed the woman slowly and gradually and as she got topless, the man started massaging her breasts. I noticed tara was extremely tense and her breathing was quite obvious. It was not a rocket science to understand that she was quite turned on.
Needless to mention that i was too hard in my jeans and there was a big bulge in my tight blue Levis. Even if i had tried i couldn’t have resisted. She was sitting to my right. I slowly stretched my right arm on the bed and after a pause i touched her right shoulder. She didn’t move. I softly massaged her shoulder and then moved my hand to her head and gently ran my fingers thru her hair. Her hair was still tied like a big bun on neck.
She was motionless. I kept running my fingers thru her hair and slowly with my left hand i held touched her left hand fingers on the carpet, she held my hand and held it tight. Her firm grip on my hand was enough for me to have the courage to proceed. I kissed her neck and nibbled her earlobes. I heard a soft moan. I saw her eyes were closed and she was moaning very mutely but softly.
I traced the tip of my tongue along her jaw line and reached close to her mouth. I turned her face and planted my lips on hers. She opened her mouth and allowed me to penetrate my tongue into her mouth. I felt her tongue on my tongue and tasted her. I softly sucked her lower lip and she moaned. Gradually i felt her hands on my body and she held me tight. Her bust was brushing against my t-shirt and i was feeling the soft flesh on my chest.
I held the back of her neck and kissed her deep, she was equally responsive and passionate. I couldn’t hold my hands anymore and softly, touched her left breast. Held my hand and pushed me away. I was shocked.no ! I cant do this. .. I just cant do this any further” she said. But she had tears in her eyes and she weep like a little baby. Trust me, i fell in love with her right there in then. I held her in my arms and she snuggled in and still crying. “
Why Tara.. ?”I asked.. “i just cant .. Please .Don’t do this.. I cant take it anymore..” She replied as she kept crying. I kissed her eyes and she looked and me and then snuggled back and cried. I held her in my arms and kissed her forehead. She melted in my arms and cried more profusely. “Sweety, please don’t cry”, i requested lovingly… she looked at me and said, “i have been holding my virginity for the past 38 years, i don’t want to lose it but ..”
She kept crying and her whole body was shivering. “but i cant take the heat anymore.. Humayun i don’t know what to do.. I cant masturbate and live like this forever”. I held her face and said “look at me Tara, look at me. She opened her eyes and look at into my eyes. “i am a virgin too.. And i have what you need and you have what i need” i told her lovingly. I continued “i adore you and respect you and
I will not do anything to upset nor i will do anything that you lose your respect” my words poured into her ears and she lost the edge. She held me tight and started kissing me passionately all over my face. Her grip on my body was tight and was not willing to lose it. She was on heat. She licked my earlobe and whispered “i need you Humayun, oh i need you so much.. Please take me to bed..”
I held her and moved to the bed. Suddenly, she said something that i will never forget till i am alive. “switch on the light. I always wanted to lose my virginity to my husband. I know this will never happen, but at least give me the pleasure to make me feel i am in my husband’s arms, make me your wife tonight, please Humayun”, she cried I fell in love with her right there and then. I could see her as my wife and i knew exactly what she desired.
My hand reached for the bedside lamp and i switched it on. I looked into her eyes and in my deep husky voice i whispered looking into her eyes “its our wedding night and your husband desires you tara”. My words made her lose control and she held me tight. I felt her hands trying to pull away my t-shirt. I made it easy for her and took off my t-shirt first. She just went wild on my hairy chest. She licked and kissed every inch of my chest, running her moist tongue and circling my hair along it.
I reached for her Kurta and slowly pulled it up. She conveniently raised her arms and i managed to take it off. What i saw was something new to my sight. Heavy and round breasts, trapped in a white lace bra were right in front of me. A deep and very inviting cleavage was too tempting to resist. Thru the bra i could see her aureoles and the nipples were poking out of the bra. I felt it was not fair to keep her blossom caged in the bra.
I licked her shoulder along the bra strap and my teeth slipped the bra strap off her shoulders. I reached for the hook and tried to unhook but i had no experience to unhook them. She gathered my difficulty and looked into my eyes. “for you my husband, just for you” she first untied her hair and they fell on her back. She had black hair up till her waist. She ran her fingers thru he hair and spread then all over her shoulders.
Then she took both her hands back and unhook the bra and slowly took it off but held the bra against her bust, hiding them against a lose bra. She smiled “just for you, untouched and virgin… have them my darling” she said as she dropped the bra on the carpet. I saw huge set of breasts, very fresh and firm and not saggy at all, but hanging over as they were just too big. The aureoles were dark and quite big.
The nipples were hard as peanuts. I moved my mouth and sucked the nipples. I felt the hard nipples against my tongue. I licked them with a full tongue and sucked them as she moaned “bite them love” i gently held them against my teeth and pulled them out. She moaned with pleasure. I was in heaven. I lost track of time as she lied down and snuggled my face into her deep cleavage. I felt as if time had stopped clicking.
Her cleavage smelled so good and her warmth was evident in her deep cleavage. I buried my face between her boobs and didn’t know for how long i stayed there. Her hands brought me back to the real world as i felt them on my waist and then trying to move her way with my belt. I knew what she wanted. I looked into her eyes and whispered “do you want to explore your husband yourself?” Yes, she replied. “oh i love that word explore
Specially exploring my soul mate husband, how do you know what i wanted?” She asked. “we are soul mates. Aren’t we suppose to know what we desire” i replied. “your words will kill me Humayun” she said as she pushed me away and made me lie on the bed.She was now sitting next to me, her huge breasts were hanging on my chest, she looked at my big bulge over the jeans and felt it. My tool was hard as rock and she felt the stiffness instantly.
She opened the belt buckle and tried to open the button. I tried to help her but slipped off my hands. I knew she wanted to do everything her self. She opened the button and started unzipping my jeans. Suddenly she stopped. She brought her face close to me and whispered “are you shaved?” – i didn’t know what to say to her cause i was not shaved, but there was no point in lying. “no i am not shaved?” I replied wondering how she is going to react. “mmmmm, yes,
I always wanted my darling hubby to be hairy, its so masculine” i was relived. She unzipped and pulls the jeans down. I elevated my ass to help her take it off and she threw the jeans somewhere in the room. Now i was lying with just my black underwear. She stood motionless as she looked at me. She ran her fingers on my hairy thigh and by her touch i gathered that she liked the hair on my legs all over. But her eyes were glued over the bulge in my underwear.
My big crown was swollen and the curve of the crown was very obvious in the underwear. She softly touched it. She held it over the underwear, brought her face close to my face, as her breasts brushed against my hairy chest. She felt the chest hair on her boobs for the first time and rubbed them. She closed her eyes and whispered “just tell me again, i want to hear it again.. Tell me that i am the first woman to touch this monster” - “yes, yes Tara, yes Tara my darling wife,
You are the first woman to touch this big lobe of flesh, because now it belongs to you, your husband belongs to you, your very own Humayun belongs to you” i replied. “mmmmm, what are you words… you melt me with your words.. How do you come up with such words.. Mmmmm i love the feeling of belonging” she replied as she kissed me on my lips passionately. She then got up and gazed at my swollen bulge and slowly lowered my underwear and threw it away,
Without moving her eyes away from my erection. My hard cock was erect and standing hard and straight. She didn’t touch it and kept looking at it. The hairy bush at the base got her attention and she touched the hair and felt the base of the thick shaft. She gripped the thick shaft and i felt the warm hands holding it tight. She ran her fingers on the bulging veins and her eyes were stuck on the big round circumcised crown. “my husband is so masculine and big, oh i am so lucky to have you Humayun, …” she lusted.
The crown is actually much bigger then usual and so it the cock it self. She held the 8” monster and kissed the crown. The seminal fluid had made the tip slightly wet. She kissed it. She went down and sucked the crown. Slowly she started taking the cock in her mouth and i felt her tongue wrapping and circling around it. Her long hair spread all over. While she sucked the monster, she just looked into my eyes.
Her bright luring eyes were making me hard as i looked at her mouth filled with my cock thru her hair that were falling across her face. She started moving her mouth up and down and her passionate suck was making me harder. I held her head. I didn’t wanted to cum so soon. She realized the pressure building on my cock and moved back.Just as she moved back i pushed her on the bed and went straight to her jeans.
She smiled. “go ahead and explore your wife” she told me. I took off the jeans and unzipped it. Her petite waist was as fair and soft. The jeans went of and i saw a white lace panty with a big wet patch in the middle. I smelled her wet panty. Mmmm it smelled heat. I slowly took of her panty and i saw a virgin clit. It was not shaved and not hairy. There was a very neatly trimmed patch of hair in a shape of a v. “for so many years i have held this untouched for tonight.
It a night to remember Humayun.. Your wife is at your will” she said. She shivered as i touched her clit with my finger for the first time. I was hot as hell and wet. It was just too moist. I bend down and kissed her and gently opened the clit with my 2 fingers and inserted my right index finger. She moaned loudly for the first time. I moved down and licked her clit. I penetrated my tongue and she went wild. She pulled me up and moaned “take me..
Take me now… i need my husband deep into.. Oh please Humayun, just give it to me.” She was going hysterical.It was not fair to test her patience and i was myself also not in a mood anymore to hold back. I pushed her back and she sensed that now it was right there. She closed her eyes as touched her hand. She kept her eyes closed and was breathing heavy. I moved on to her. It was a new experience for both of us.
I held her by the shoulders, placing my hands under her shoulders and gripping them firmly. My tool was touching her pubic area directionless. Tara’s hand reached for my tool and i felt her grip on my shaft as she guided it to the opening of her clit. The crown felt the moist clit and the heat inside was felt. I tried to slide it in but it was just too tight for my over-sized crown to make a place so easily. I tried a few times but had no luck.
Tara opened her eyes, she looked straight into my eyes “you have to push it hard to make your wife your woman forever”, she said. I realized that i have to force it in. “i don’t want to hurt my wife on her wedding night” i said. “ your wife desires it, give to her” she moaned lustfully. I snuggled my face in her hair that were spread on her shoulders and closed my eyes. I took a deep breath and pushed it all the way.
I felt never ending heat on my tool as it rubbed hard against her clit walls as Tara screamed with pleasure and pain. She was in between crying and moaning. She was shivering and held me tight and pushed herself against me and i felt a hot gush on my tool. Tara screamed. The hymen was broken and it was her blood that i felt. “yes.. Give to me deeper and deeper. I pulled it a little back and pushed it again. And then there was an endless session of rocking on her.
Each stroke was filled with passion and desire. She was enjoying ever move and her eyes were closed. We were both covered with sweat and were smelling of sex. Involuntarily, i raised the pace of rocking and she reacted back, holding me tight and closer. She kept pushing herself against me. All of a sudden i noticed she got hysterical. She became even more breathless and the sweat on her face was obvious.
She was reaching her first orgasm. She became loud and her moaning was wild. “i am coming Humayun.. Yes Humayun i am coming.. Oh yess i am….” She failed to complete her sentence. I was losing the edge equally and realized that i am about to ejaculate too. I tried to pull it back but she scream in lust “no… just fill me up with your love drink.. Yes make me your woman.. Fill me up” her words were enough for me to lose it and we both came together.
I felt the hot thick white cum filling her love valley. I kept coming and she kept pushing herself deeper. She wanted to squeeze every drop of my cum. And then we both collapsed into each others arms. I don’t know for how long i slept in her arms but i woke up and she was looking into my eyes “i love you Humayun” – “i love you too Tara.. My darling wife” i replied.That night we made love thrice. For feedback or comments, please write
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